MiCA Standards and Guidelines Tracker

The Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation (MiCA) sets out a detailed regulatory framework for cryptoassets within the European Union. This tracker offers a comprehensive look at MiCA’s delegated acts, technical standards, and guidelines.

September 2020

Proposal by the European Commission

November 2021 - March 2022

Agreement by the Council, then the European Parliament

June 2022

Political agreement on the text and end of negotiations in trialogue

2023 - 2024

Phase of consultation and gradual publication of implementing texts by ESMA and EBA

30 June 2024

Application of Titles III and IV relating to ART and EMT

30 December 2024

Application of Titles I, II, V, VI and VII

30 June 2026

End of the transitional period for registered or approved PSANs or services 5

Filter by

Publication dateThemeSupervisory AuthorityTagTypeConsultation paperFinal PublicationPublication Number
02/26/2025Transfer services for crypto-assets ESMACASPs, OthersGuidelines & Recommendation-ESMA35-1872330276-2032
Reverse solicitationESMACASPs, Issuers, OthersGuidelines & Recommendation-ESMA35-1872330276-2030
Maintenance of systems and security access protocolsESMACASPs, Issuers, OthersGuidelines & Recommendation-ESMA75-223375936-6132
02/20/2025ITS Forms and templates of notification of certain entities to competent authoritiesUE CommissionCASPsImplementing Regulation Act-Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2025/304
RTS Notification of selected entities to competent authoritiesUE CommissionCASPsDelegated Regulation Act-Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2025/303
02/17/2025Guidelines for the criteria on the assessment of knowledge and
competence under MiCA
ESMACASPs, Issuers
Draft Guidelines -ESMA35-1872330276-2004
02/13/2025RTS on measures ensuring continuity and regulatory in performance of CASPsUE CommissionCASPsDelegated Regulation Act -Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2025/299
RTS on the use of asset-referenced tokens as a means of exchange within a single currency areaUE CommissionIssuers, OthersDelegated Regulation Act-Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2025/298
RTS on the approval of the crypto-asset white paper issued by credit institutionsUE CommissionCASPs, Issuers, OthersDelegated Regulation Act-Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2025/296
RTS on the handling of complaints by issuers of ARTsUE CommissionCASPs, Issuers
Delegated Regulation Act-Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2025/293
RTS Template for cooperation arrangements with third countriesUE CommissionOthersDelegated Regulation Act-Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2025/292
RTS Complaint handling procedure for CASPsUE CommissionCASPs, Issuers
Delegated Regulation Act-Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2025/294
RTS on supervisory collegesUE CommissionIssuers, OthersDelegated Regulation Act-Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2025/297
02/05/2025Opinion on conflicts of interests for
issuers of ARTs (Article
02/03/2025Approval of amendments to the General Regulation of the French Financial Markets AuthorityAMFCASPs, Issuers
French Order--
01/31/2025Authorisation of CASPs under MiCAESMACASPsBriefing-ESMA75-453128700-1263
01/24/2025Factsheet on recent developments in crypto-assets : DeFiEBA, ESMACASPs, Issuers, Others Factsheet --
Factsheet on recent development in crypto-assets : crypto lending and stakingEBA, ESMACASPs, Issuers, OthersFactsheet --
Opinion on RTS specifying certain requirement in relation to conflicts of interest for CASPsESMACASPsOpinion-ESMA35-1872330276-2021
01/17/2025Q&A Scope of public offering (stablecoin)ESMAIssuers, CASPsQ&As-ESMA_QA_2404
Statement on the provision of certain crypto-asset services in relation to non-MiCA compliant ARTs and EMTsESMACASPsStatement-ESMA75-223375936-6099

Joint EBA-ESMA Report on the recent development in crypto-assets (Art 142 of MiCA)EBA, ESMAOthersJoint Report-ESMA75-453128700-1391 EBA/Rep/2025/01
01/14/2025SMSG advice on the role and competence of National Competent Authorities in supervising the crypto marketsESMA (SMSG)OthersAdvice-ESMA24-229244789-5235
12/19/2024Statement on MiCA transitional measuresESMACASPsStatement-ESMA75-453128700-1396
12/18/2024Explainer – MiCAR templatesEBAIssuersVisual explainer--
Annex I – Reporting for issuers of ARTs and EMTs - templatesEBAIssuersAnnex ITS--
Annex II – Reporting for issuers of ARTs and EMTS - InstructionsEBAIssuersAnnex ITS--
Annex III – Reporting for crypto-asset service providers - templatesEBACASPsAnnex ITS--
Annex IV – Reporting for crypto-asset service providers - instructionsEBACASPsAnnex ITS--
Annex V – DPM and validation rulesEBACASPsAnnex ITS--
Guidelines specifying certain requirements on investor protectionESMACASPsGuideline-ESMA35-1872330276-1936
Annex IV – reporting for issuers of ARTs and EMTs - templatesEBAIssuersAnnex ITS--
12/18/2024Templates to report certain data points to the competent authoritiesEBAIssuersGuidelineEBA/GL/2024/16
Annex I - Reporting for issuers of ARTs and EMTs templatesEBAIssuersAnnex ITS-
Annex II - Reporting for issuers of ARTs and EMTs - instructionsEBAIssuersAnnex ITS-
Annex III - Reporting for CASPs templatesEBACASPsAnnex ITS-
Annex IV - Reporting for CASPs - instructionsEBAIssuersAnnex ITS-
Annex V – Data Point Model and validation ruleEBAIssuersAnnex ITS-
12/17/2024Reverse solicitationESMACASPs, Issuers, Others (Reverse solicitation and broker model)GuidelineESMA35-1872330276-1899
12/17/2024Maintenance of systems and security access protocolsESMAIssuersGuidelineESMA75-223375936-6089
Arrangements, systems and procedures for detecting and reporting suspected market abuse in crypto-assetsESMACASPs, Issuers, Others (Market abuse)RTSESMA75-453128700-1278
Transfer services for crypto-assets : procedures, policies and clients’ rightsESMACASPsGuidelineESMA35-1872330276-1936
12/17/2024Criteria on the qualification of crypto assets as financial instrumentsESMAIssuers, CASPs, Others (Classification of crypto-assets)GuidelineESMA75-453128700-1323
12/17/2024Aspects of the suitability requirements and format of the periodic statement for portfolio managementESMACASPsGuidelineESMA35-1872330276-1936
12/10/2024Guidelines on templates for explanations and crypto-asset classification testEBA, ESMA, EIOPAIssuersGuideline-ESA-2024-28
Draft Guidelines on standardised test for the classification of crypto-assetsEBA, ESMA, EIOPAIssuers, CASPsGuideline-ESA-2024-28
10/11/2024Opinion on RTS for regulated financial institutions intending to offer crypto-asset servicesESMAIssuersOpinion-ESMA35-1872330276-195
10/09/2024Redemption plans to be developed by issuers of ARTs and EMTs.EBAIssuersGuideline-EBA/GL/2024/13
09/17/2024Procedure for the classification of ARTs and EMTs as significant and supervisory coordination of ARTs and EMTsEBAIssuersDecision-EBA/DC/558
07/31/2024Opinion on broker models to ensure fair MiCA applicationESMACASPsOpinion-ESMA 75-453128700-1048
07/12/2024Q&As on MiCAESMACASPs, OthersQ&As-
07/05/2024Approval process for white papers of ARTs issued by credit institutionsEBAIssuersRTS-EBA/RTS/2024/05
07/03/2024Public disclosure of inside informationESMACASPs, Issuers,
Others (Market abuse)
Requirements for crypto-asset white papersESMAIssuersRTS, ITS-ESMA75-453128700-1229
Order book record-keeping for CASPsESMACASPsRTS-ESMA75-453128700-1229
Trade transparency reporting for CASPsESMACASPsRTS-ESMA75-453128700-1229
Business continuity obligations for CASPsESMACASPsRTS-ESMA75-453128700-1229
Environmental sustainability metrics for distributed ledgersESMACASPs, IssuersRTS-ESMA75-453128700-1229
06/27/2024Suitability assessments of the management body and holders of qualifying holdings in issuers of ARTs and CASPsESMA, EBAIssuers, CASPsGuideline-EBA/GL/2024/09

Annex I : Reporting TemplatesEBAIssuersAnnex ITS--
Annex II : Reporting InstructionsEBAIssuersAnnex ITS--
Annex III : Reporting for CASPs - TemplatesEBACASPsAnnex ITS--
Annex IV : Reporting for CASPs - InstructionsEBACASPsAnnex ITS--
Annex V : Data Point Model and validation rulesEBAARTs and CASPsAnnex ITS--
06/19/2024Supervisory colleges under MiCA
EBACASPs, IssuersRTS-EBA/ RTS /2024/14
The use of ARTs and EMTs denominated in a non-EU currencyEBAIssuersRTS-EBA/RTS/2024/13
Reporting of ARTs and EMTs denominated in a non-EU currencyEBAIssuersITS-EBA/ITS/2024/04
06/13/2024Guidelines on Recovery plans EBACASPs, IssuersGuideline-EBA/GL/2024/07
Issuers stress testing and funds requirementsEBAIssuersGuideline-EBA/RTS/2024/08
Procedure and timeframe for funds requirements of significant ARTs and EMTsEBAIssuersRTS-EBA/RTS/2024/09
Details on highly liquid financial productsEBAIssuersRTS-EBA/RTS/2024/11
Further specifications on liquidity requirements of the reserve of assetsEBAIssuersRTS-EBA/RTS/2024/10
Specifications on the minimum contents of the liquidity management policy and procedure of IssuersEBAIssuersRTS-EBA/RTS/2024/12
06/06/2024Policies and procedures regarding conflict of interestEBAIssuersRTS-EBA/RTS/2024/07
06/06/2024Minimum content of governance arrangements for issuers of ARTsEBAARTsGuideline-EBA/GL/2024/06
06/06/2024Minimum content of the governance arrangements on the remuneration policy for issuers of ARTsEBAIssuersRTS-EBA/RTS/2024/06
05/31/2024Conflicts of interest involving CASPsESMACASPsRTS-ESMA18-72330276-1634
03/25/2024Complaint handling procedures for CASPsESMACASPsRTS-ESMA18-72330276-1634
Conditions for acquiring CASPsESMACASPsRTS-ESMA18-72330276-1634
Authorisation application process for CASPsESMACASPsRTS, ITS-ESMA18-72330276-1634
Notification procedure for regulated financial institutions intending to offer crypto-asset servicesESMAIssuersRTS, ITS-ESMA18-72330276-1634
03/13/2024Complaint handling procedures for ARTs’ issuersEBAIssuersRTS-EBA/RTS/2024/02
07/12/2023Conditions for the acquisition of ARTs’ issuersEBAIssuersRTS-EBA/CP/2023/14
Details for the authorisation of ART issuersEBAIssuersRTS, ITS-EBA/CP/2023/15
EU market access for ARTs' issuersEBAIssuersRTS, ITS-EBA/CP/2023/15